Adirondack NY Life

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Martin’s Lumber Woods Walk & Artist Market

Are you visiting the area? or live here and looking for something to do with the kids this weekend? Why not head up to Warrensburgh for Martin’s Lumber Woods Walk and Artist Market this Saturday, June 4th, 10 am – 4pm

WHERE: 280 Valley Rd, Warrensburg, NY 12885-5900 (see map below)

Activities and walks will be presented throughout the day. Shop leisurely and talk with the artisans who will be set up around the barn where they will be offering hands-on activities, mushroom propagation, and demonstrations for all.

Take one or participate in all of the walks which will include the Letterboxing Trail provided by Warren County’s Planning Department. There will also be a self-guided walk following clues to a campfire and separate informational walks focused on wild plants and mushrooms.

Edward Braley of E & S Wild Food Larder will be leading the Mushroom Walks at 10:30 am, 12:30 pm and 2:30pm. They will also be selling and offering a variety of mushrooms, handcrafted salts, seasonings, extracts, and tinctures.

Be sure to visit their event page on Facebook and click on the discussion tab to learn more about all the different vendors and events going on that day.

Follow Martin’s Lumber in Warrensburgh, NY on Facebook to hear more about Future events.

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